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Thursday 21 July 2016

Sefton Council – planning a disgusting crime against nature in Ainsdale!

Ainsdale woodland is under threat from Sefton’s persistently heartless council and One Vision Housing (OVH) development proposals

Residents in George Drive Ainsdale are understandably outraged by cold – hearted council plans to destroy a beloved wildlife haven.

Ainsdale eco-campaigner, Cath Regan, had one short walk in the woods and immediately realised how valuable the place was.

The established woodlands hold a plethora of wildlife including many species of wild birds that rely on this lovely old green area for survival. Legally – protected Bats are also known to use the woodland as a roost.

In fact bat boxes were installed at the nearby Woodvale woodlands (behind Sandbrook Road) in 2013.


Bats and the Law

In Britain all bat species and their roosts are legally protected, by both domestic and international legislation. This means you will be committing a criminal offence if you:

Deliberately capture, injure or kill a bat
Intentionally or recklessly disturb a bat in its roost or deliberately disturb a group of bats
Damage or destroy a bat roosting place (even if bats are not occupying the roost at the time)
Possess or advertise/sell/exchange a bat (dead or alive) or any part of a bat
Intentionally or recklessly obstruct access to a bat roost

Within the George Drive woods quite a number of mature elm trees are also found here. Elms suffered greatly from disease in Southport and other places the 1970s and the survivors deserve protection today.

To cut down this woodland would be an appalling crime against nature. It would also be a detrimental action against the residents that have enjoyed the woodlands for generations. The potential for a well - organised Friends' Group at this location is excellent.

We need more trees not less and the Council and One Vision Housing must rethink such disgusting plans. Damaging a whole community and destroying valuable wildlife habitat is NOT an option!

A meeting is being hosted by Cllr Lynne Thompson at St John’s Church Hall, Liverpool Road, Ainsdale, tonight (21 July 2016) at 7.00 pm.


Sefton Council planners and OVH wake up and stop destroying the UK's countryside now! 

Concerned ecological parties have been alerted to this proposed authoritarian insanity!



Pat Regan © 

OTS News


And how did things turn out - well NOT as one would expect...

George Drive Woods: The consequences of disloyalty, send in the developers!

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